ISIS torture based on Guantanamo torture

Publié: 29 août 2014 dans 1 - Revue de presse - Journaux télévisés - Videos, CIA, Cuba, Informations générales, USA

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video from the USA is called STILL Think Waterboarding Isn’t Torture? Try it Bush.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

« James Foley waterboarded by ISIS »

Update: Thursday 28 Aug 2014, 23:29

ISIS fighters in Syria have tortured at least four prisoners by waterboarding, The Washington Post reports. One of the victims was the American journalist James Foley, who was later beheaded.

In waterboarding someone gets a cloth over one’s face, then water is thrown over it. This leads to a feeling of drowning. The United States used the method often in Guantánamo Bay, until President Obama banned it.

ISIS has copied more Guantánamo techniques. Eg, ISIS prisoners also wear orange overalls and they are sometimes subjected to mock executions.

Voir l’article original 46 mots de plus

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