The Panama Papers: Global Investigations Begin Following Damning Tax Haven Revelations

Publié: 4 avril 2016 dans 1 - Revue de presse - Journaux télévisés - Videos, 2 - WORLDWIDE, Corruption, Les Menteurs, Les tartuffes, Système bancaire

The Panama Papers: Global Investigations Begin Following Damning Tax Haven Revelations

By Reuters and VICE News

April 4, 2016

Global investigations have begun into the tax arrangements of rich and powerful people around the world, following a massive data leak from a Panama-based law firm which revealed a vast network of offshore companies set up for clients including world leaders.

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) said on Monday it was investigating more than 800 wealthy clients of Mossack Fonseca, the firm from whose files more than 11.5 million documents were leaked, and the British HM Revenue and Customs asked for a copy of the leaked data so it could « closely examine » the information and act on any possible tax evasion « swiftly and appropriately. »

More than 70 current and former heads of state are among those implicated by the data, which was given to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) more than a year ago and then shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and more than 100 other news organizations around the globe.

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