Articles Tagués ‘Top Kurdish’

20141113_Kurdist-2Kurds battling Daesh terrorist in Kobani reportedly made advances in the south of the flashpoint Syrian town on the border with Turkey.

Top Kurdish officials told AFP their fighters were advancing street by street, voicing confidence that the ISIL would soon be ejected.

The Kurdish YPG recaptured streets and buildings in the south of Kobani, after a fierce battle against the Daesh-ISIL.

On Monday night, the US-led coalition hit ISIL positions in Kobani’s southeast.

Syria’s Kurds are being backed by Iraqi peshmerga fighters in their bid to reclaim the town from terrorists hands.

Syrian Kurdish chief Saleh Muslim said the YPG were advancing “street by street” and that they would “recapture the town in a very short time”. And the Kurds’ top field commander in Kobane, Narin Afrin, a 40-year-old woman, said by telephone: “We have been resisting for 56 days in very difficult conditions.”


Source: AFP News

SFP/patriot from local agencies ~ 13/11/2014
the real SyrianFreePress.NETwork


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