Articles Tagués ‘TORTURE’

OK, Fine.

TYT video.

The Senate Intelligence Committee torture report contains evidence of many brutalities.

According to the New York Times, the report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday found that the Central Intelligence Agency’s methods were more brutal than the C.I.A. acknowledged either to Bush administration officials or to the public.

Should those who were in power be prosecuted?

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Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called Bahrain, capital of torture.

From the Bahrain Institute for Rights & Democracy:

NGOs Call on Home Secretary to Remove Prince Nasser of Bahrain from the UK

London,  27 October 2014 –  The Bahrain Institute for Rights & Democracy (BIRD), Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and Redress UK expressed their disappointment to the UK Home Secretary last Friday 24 October, upon receiving information of Bahrain Prince Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa’s arrival in London for an appearance at the 2014 British Invention Show. In a letter to the Home Secretary Theresa May, the rights groups pointed to a decision made by the UK High Court earlier this month, which ruled to quash the Prince’s functional immunity in the UK due to impending accusations of torture against him.

The rights groups expressed further disappointment in the UK’s recent engagements with…

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Dear Kitty. Some blog

This April 2014 video from the USA is called CIA Lied About Torture To Justify Using It (Senate Report).

By Eric London in the USA:

Former head CIA lawyer defends torture in Der Spiegel interview

27 August 2014

In an August 20 interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, former acting CIA General Counsel John Rizzo defends his role as the legal architect of the US government’s international campaign of detention and torture.

In the interview, Rizzo, who worked at the CIA from 1976 to 2009, declares that although the torture programs he approved “seemed harsh, even brutal,” he does not regret his support for their implementation.

“I was certainly an architect of the interrogation program, even if I didn’t originally come up with it,” he says, adding, “I was the legal architect of the proposed list of techniques and played the lead role in obtaining…

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les AZA subversifs

Cliquer sur les tofs pour une meilleure lecture.

torture Polognecanard panne capitale

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